Emily Spencer - Web Site/Product Manager

Emily was born and raised in Norfolk, Virginia. She discovered her passion for running later in life in 2019 after training for her first 5k. The training brought her so much joy, she just kept running and creating new goals. She ran her first marathon at the 50th Anniversary of Shamrock in 2022, and then ran her first ultra at the Long Creek 60k two weeks later. She has since turned her focus on tackling more ultras in the future.

Emily is an advocate for running for mental health, as it helps her navigate her journey through suicide bereavement. She loves chatting with newcomers to running and enjoys helping them through their own journeys.

When Emily is not running she loves playing video games, watching Orioles baseball, reading, and knitting. She is also fairly serious about her passion for coffee. She currently lives in Norfolk with her husband Charles and corgi Willow.