If you're not sure what to do with your old running shoes, please consider dropping them off at one of our locations.
We have donated thousands of used running shoes to local homeless shelters and to High School Coaches for their athletes who can't afford running shoes. You might be surprised how much these shoes are needed and used.
We donate used athletic shoes to the Ghent Area Ministry. GAM, a non-profit outreach ministry, is dedicated to helping those in need in the Norfolk community by addressing economic, social and spiritual needs. GAM offers financial assistance, resources and services regardless of race, gender or employment status. The goal of GAM is to offer a hand up, not a hand-out.
We donate used athletic shoes to the the Virginia Beach based PIN Ministries. PiN exists to provide food, clothing, shelter, and free medical care for people that are either homeless or extremely poor. The ultimate focus is to help the homeless of Hampton Roads transform their lives and get the back on their feet!
MORE Foundation Group is a US based non-profit corporation. MORE stands for Modular Organic Regenerative Environments. Their reforested environments have a very positive economic and climatic impact. MORE Foundation is 100% funded with recycled athletic shoes. Proceeds regenerate forests and jumpstart small farming co-ops in West Africa and Central America. MORE has a value added, multi-faceted approach to shoe recycling. Instead of 100 years decomposing in landfills, the donated shoes are used to create retail jobs while stimulating free enterprise. MORE provides basic supplies, tools, seeds, and agroforestry training to poor farming families and rural villages. Distribution of free tree seeds, tools, grow bags, compost, and training is MORE’s main activity. With every pair of gently used athletic shoes, MORE is able to plant one ton of carbon grounding trees and train poor farmers in sustainable agroforestry.